Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

How was your New Year? Hopefully it was better than ours. We started the New Year with a trip to the emergency room. It's not Ian this time, it's Tim. Around 12:40 he took Ian upstairs to bed and he started to not feel well. His heart was pounding, he had shortness of breath and felt light headed. He sat down for a few minutes and that seemed to help, but he was still not feeling right. He crawled into bed, but kept shivering uncontrollably. We had a several blankets on him, I was cuddling next to him trying to warm him up and the cat was lying on top of him. We could not get him warm. Then he sat up abruptly saying he did not feel well. I thought he was going to throw up, but he was just nauseous. He was also feeling tingling in his extremities. There was no pain however. After a while he said something was not right. So off to the emergency room we went.

They got him in pretty quickly and hooked him up to monitors to monitor his heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels. His blood pressure was up high. The doctor wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he finally decided that he thought it was Cardiac Dysrhythmia, which means an irregular heart rate. Tim's mom has a condition similar to this and has to take medicine for it.

The doctor admitted Tim for observation and they are going to be running tests this morning. They are going to give him a stress test and also test his cholesterol. Tim has not been taking the best care of himself, so hopefully this will be the boost he needs.

I haven't told the kids where he's at. Kristin knew something was up, because last night I told her that I was taking daddy to the doctors. She asked this morning if he was okay and I told her that he was. I didn't want to get into a big discussion about it, because at that point I'd only had four hours of sleep and I wanted to keep sleeping. Ian was listening and he would have just panicked. No rest for the weary when that happens.

I'm going to be telling the kids in a moment here. Wish me luck. I'm hoping Tim will be able to come home this afternoon. I will let everyone know later.

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