Thursday, July 20, 2006


I'm pretty new to blogging. I decided to start a blog as an outlet for all my frustrations with having a child with special needs and the run around with insurance, the school district and so forth. But.....who wants to hear that over and over? Besides, I got super bored with that in one week. I started looking around, and hey found a ton of stuff to link to and talk about. My previous blog site was very limiting. If you wanted to make a comment, you had to connect to the site and then create your own blog page. Well, where my husband works they frown on you creating accounts to other sites, so that left him out. Other family and friends had similar problems or just found it too cumbersome. Don't blame them at all. So I decided to switch and find something better! So here goes.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love blogspot! So easy to use. Ask "Uncle Tim" when he's going to call his niece in Atlanta. She's 6 and everything needs to be answered NOW! buwahaha. Have fun on vacation.