Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Saturday Photo Hunt for this week is Shiny. I had a little trouble with this one, but after thinking about it for a while (and rummaging through my stores of photos), I came across this one. The year is 2003 and Kristin had just finished reading her 100th book. The library gave her this beautiful medal and ribbon. She was very proud. And yes, I know it's Sunday. Better late than never!


Anonymous said...

That is a very shiny medal! 100 books - that is great! My kids are doing a library reading thing this year too. Enjoy your day!

Leslie said...

I did the same thing you did - looked through the collection to find something shiny! That sounds like a great memory to go with the photo too!

srp said...

What an accomplishment... not only is her medal shiny... she is simply glowing from head to toe with pride and deserves to do so!

April said...

What a pretty shiny medal! She is shining with happiness!