Friday, August 24, 2007

Results from the doctors

We've heard back from Stanford and all of Ian's tests came back negative, except for one. His CK levels are still a little high, but nothing to worry about according to the doctor. They had tested him for Fragile X and a Coenzyme Q10 and both were negative. His Carnitine levels were also normal. He has been on a supplement since November and it obviously has helped to normalize the Carnitine in his body. This is great news. The doctor did feel we should still follow up to determine if he is on the Autistic spectrum. She does feel that if so he would be on the high functioning side. His pediatrician is out until next week, but I will be following up with him to get another referral to Stanford.

On another good note, Ian saw his neurologist yesterday and the doctor said Ian is doing much better than he was last time the doctor saw him a few months ago. Ian's coordination has improved as well as his muscle tone. The doctor Ian looked great and that we wouldn't need to see him for a while. Obviously if anything crops up we are to call, but hopefully Ian will keep improving.

The East Bay Regional Center is assessing Ian too. We are still waiting for a call back for further testing. I was told they would be calling this week, but as yet I haven't heard anything. I think I'll go call them.

All in all, things are looking up. We certainly know alot more than we did just a few months ago. Ian is happy and is looking forward to going back to school, a big accomplishment in of itself!

1 comment:

BlondeBrony said...

Isn't it great to get results in.

I am so glad to hear that things are looking up for Ian.

How have you been doing?